Friday, August 15, 2008

Roley Poley Zoey

It's official, our little girl is growing up too fast! She can roll over!! Last Sunday she rolled for both of us from stomach to back. She hasn't done it much since, but I plan on trying to catch it on video this weekend. I'll make sure and post if I get one.

She's just growing up so fast!!! Sniffle sniffle. She's getting very chatty, making all sorts of cute little noises to converse with us. I miss seeing her all day now that I'm back to work , so I'm always trying to get her to talk with me in the evenings when she's sleepy. Sometimes I think she's trying to say "Mommy, for goodness sakes, just put me to bed!!" But I love the times when she and I go back and forth "talking" to each other, especially when she giggles. It melts my heart and I remember back to when Zan was that young. Little babies just grow too fast and soon they become independent children with minds of their own and less time for talking with mommy and daddy. I look at my son now and wonder where the years have gone and I know that before I know it he'll be one of those kids wearing his little backpack and getting on the bus to head off to school. He's three now, but in the blink of an eye, he'll be five. It all makes me a little sad. Being a parent means loving watching your children grow up, but at the same time wishing they could stay small forever.

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